There are 6 major pieces (7 counting both shot clocks)
This is a diagram of how they are connected. I'll also explain the connections under each device's section below.
There are only three connections to the System 6 console — the power cable, the Game/Shot clock box cable, and the 1/4" "Y" plug connector below the power switch.
The Game/Shot clock box connects to the back of the console at any of the 4 locations with the arrows.
The 1/4" "Y" cable connects below the power switch. It's called a "Y" cable because it splits one connection into two connections.
One of these two connections gets split again, for the shot clocks.
The other connection goes to the series of cables that come from the Laptop USB port. Here's the back of the console where the "Y" cable plugs in.
And here's the side of the "Y" that has a splitter for the shot clocks.
The other side of the "Y" is connected to the series of cables that goes back to the Laptop USB port. This cable is made up of several cables with connections that adapt from one style of connector to another.
From the console side, the "Y" has a female 1/4" connector. A 1/4" male-to-male cable plugs into it. The other side of this 1/4" cable plugs into a grey cable with a 9-pin connector. This plugs into a black cable with a small black box in the middle, which ends in a standard computer USB connector that plugs into the Laptop.
The only other connection is for power. That uses the connector in the upper left corner marked "External Power".
This is the power cord for the console. It has a silver box in the middle.
There is a powering down process that's slightly more involved than just turning the switch on the back "Off".
5. Then it will ask for the password. The password is the same as the username, "swimwln".
Once it's done booting up, click on the DsplyLnk icon.
It will look like this
Click on "Library"
Then click on "Water Polo"
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